18M golf balls! This is the number dispensed from all GolfMore units worldwide during September. Down from 25M balls hit during August, GolfMore is still proving that there is still much interest at most golf clubs, even though the weather is turning colder in most places.
So, what can we learn from GolfMore stats?
We can see clearly that customers prefer to pay with a credit card at the dispenser. A couple of aspects could affect this:
- People want the flexibility of dispensing balls when they want to
- People want to socially distance
- People want to bypass the line in the shop.
The best time of day in all countries is 4pm-5pm when people get off work. If this is the time that most people show up, make sure:
- The machine is full
- The price of the bucket matches the demand
- Schedule activities that can take advantage of this, such as obtaining leads of lessons, offering food and beverage as well as specials in the pro shop.
The best day of the week is Sunday, and the opportunity day is Tuesday. Based on this information, can you plan your activities to either drive traffic or schedule maintenance when times are calm? Use GolfMore to drive your decision-making.
Whether your range is trying to increase revenue or improve the customer experience, using a system such as GolfMore is perfect to gain insights into your market.
Please get in touch with us at sales@rangeservant.com for a free GolfMore demonstration or read more here.